Here's Mine...
5:20 - Wake up, drink water (in my water bottle next to my bed), and stretch.
5:20-5:30 - Listen to a relaxing podcast while cleaning some clutter. This may mean throwing away papers, putting items back where they belong, etc. (I get overwhelmed with large cleaning projects but can handle a few minutes a day. I add to a donate pile during this time and each time I finish filling a bag, I bring it to a donation center.)
5:30-6:00 - Workout on the elliptical. As long as I don't EVER miss a day, I am good. I find that missing even one day then gives me permission to miss working out all the time. During my workout I like to watch a movie on Netflix or read a book with my Kindle. (FYI - I didn't always workout for 30 minutes straight. I started with 5 minutes and gradually increased my time by 1 minute each week until I got to 30 minutes.)
6:00-6:30 - Breakfast while working on my teacher business. I create reading units that I sell online. I honestly hate making them but they are popular products. I find that I can create 5-10 pages each morning without the dread of working on them after work. This has greatly increased my productivity and gives me a HUGE sense of accomplishment. (This is much better than using my time for Facebook or Instagram like I used to do.)
6:30-7:05 - Shower and get ready for the day. I will also platy music or listen to other podcasts during this time. (I really love podcasts! Click HERE to see my blog post on my favorite podcasts!)
Yes, I do have to wake up early, but I gradually added new things to my routine. I find that I am happier and healthier with this area of my life. To me, creating a morning routine has been vital to my well-being!
What kind of Morning Routine do you have?
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